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National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam

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The Communist Party of Vietnam is organized according to the Leninist principle of democratic centralism.

The supreme party organ is the National Congress, which has been held every five years since 1976 (48 years ago) (1976). Due to war footing during the time of wars against France and the United States, the first four congresses were not fixed according to a common time schedule. Since the Foundation Conference, 12 national CPV congresses have been held.

The National Congress elects the Central Committee, consisting of 180 full members and 20 alternates. The Central Committee usually meets twice a year.


CC Central Committee
Political Report Political Report to the Central Committee, a document which briefs delegates about the period since the last congress and future work.
Platform The party platform, in which the National Congress sets out the party's goals, Marxist perspective and political analysis of the times.
Charter Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the fundamental governing document of the CPV.
PMR Party members represented at the congress by delegates (the party membership at the time).
FM Full member (a member with voting rights).
AM Alternate member (a member without voting rights).
VD Voting delegate (a delegate who can vote).
AD Alternate delegate (a delegate who cannot vote).


Congress Duration
Delegates CC
Political Report
(presented by)
Platform Charter
1st National Congress
4 days
1935 election
27 March

30 March 1935
12 9 FM

4 AM
"Theses on the Capitalist Democratic Revolution" Amendment 600
2nd National Congress
4 days
1950–1951 election
11 February

19 February 1951
158 VD

53 AD
19 FM

10 AM
Trường Chinh Amendment 766,349
3rd National Congress
8 days
1960 election
5 September

10 September 1960
525 VD

51 AD
49 FM

39 AM
Lê Duẩn Amendment 500,000
4th National Congress
9 days
1975–1976 election
14 December

20 December 1976
1,008 101 FM

32 AM
Lê Duẩn Amendment 1,550,000
5th National Congress
4 days
1981–1982 election
27 March

31 March 1982
1,033 116 FM

32 AM
Lê Duẩn Amendment 1,727,000
6th National Congress
4 days
1985–1986 election
15 December

18 December 1986
1,129 124 FM

49 AM
Trường Chinh Amendment ~1,900,000
7th National Congress
4 days
1990–1991 election
24 June

27 June 1991
1,176 146 Nguyễn Văn Linh "National Construction in the Transitional Period to Socialism" Amendment 2,155,022
8th National Congress
4 days
1995–1996 election
28 June

1 July 1996
1,198 170 Đỗ Mười Amendment Amendment 2,155,022
9th National Congress
4 days
2000–2001 election
19 April

22 April 2001
1,168 150 Lê Khả Phiêu Amendment Amendment 2,479,719
10th National Congress
8 days
2005–2006 election
18 April

25 April 2006
1,176 160 FM

21 AM
Nông Đức Mạnh Amendment Amendment ~3,100,000
11th National Congress
8 days
2010–2011 election
12 January

19 January 2011
1,377 175 FM

25 AM
Nông Đức Mạnh Amendment Amendment ~3,600,000
12th National Congress
9 days
2015–2016 election
20 January

28 January 2016
1,510 180 FM

20 AM
Nguyễn Phú Trọng Amendment Amendment +4,500,000
13th National Congress
8 days
2020–2021 election
25 January

1 February 2021
1,587 180 FM

20 AM
Nguyễn Phú Trọng Two Centennaries +5,000,000



